I love the look, but i also understand (sadly) why a 9-5 isnt the best place to sport your newly pastel-ed brows. So i figured i would help you out a little.
here, all of your woes solved...
step one clean brows. Although for deeper colors you can skip most of these steps and even put it over your current brown/blonde shades. (note: i am currently growing my brows out due to over tweezing in the late 90s and early 2000s, so pay no attention to the little rouge hairs!)
step two white. I really like a water activated white for this because it drys with a little more flexibility and adheres to the hair nicely. I get mine from performance studios here in nashville, but you really can use anything.
step three brush it on thick. You want to cover as much of the hair as possible and follow the shape of where you want your brow to go.
Step five comb comb comb shape comb. keep shaping and combing until the texture is close to normal.
step six color! Now that you have your white base, you get to choose a color. I chose blue.
important note: choose a color that is more vibrant than your intended color and use a small brush so you can control the color.
step seven pastel it. using a fluffy brush layer on a pigmented white like illamesqua in sex. This will help to desaturate the color and give it staying power. note: you can totally skip this step, which i did with my other eye brow.
step eight finished. go out. take photos. show your friends. scare your boss. just wear it and be you! (here you can see the difference in not using white to mute the color)
fin -